Sunday, October 10, 2010

You know your growing out of your bouncer when...

your start falling out of it!  Poor Ethan does this to himself ALL the time. 
Our baby boys are growing too fast.  Slow down babies...Please SLOW DOWN.

Ethan 10/7/10

Thursday, September 23, 2010

eating and sleeping and now SMILING...Oh My!

We finally received the reward all new parents are waiting for...SMILES!
Not only are the boys smiling all the time but they have also started laughing.  Their laughs are not only beautiful, they are contagious.
The second most exciting thing to happen this month, the twins are now sleeping through the night!  Between 6 and 8 hrs a night. 
We do their "midnight" feed between 9-10 pm, then its straight to their cribs.  Awake or asleep.  Sometimes they talk and coo for a half hour but so far we havent had any issues and they have been putting themselves down. 
I love it!  I thought the days of sleep were over and now they have magically reappeared.  God is Good!

The twins are growing and growing and GROWING!  They are already in a 2 diaper and starting to wear 3-6 mo.  They are excited to break out their Fall wardrobe soon! =)

BIG smiles!

Ethan 12 wks


Elijah passed out in his Big Boy Pj's!
Elijah / 12 wks

Friday, September 3, 2010

Life at the Lees

We have officially been a family of four for 2 months & 2 days.  The first few weeks were rough but we made it through and every week it seems to get a tiny bit easier.
The boys are getting too big!  I struggle to remember what it was like holding them those first few days after we brought them home.  A close friend told me to cherish every second, the good and the bad, because they grow so fast and we can never get these first few months/weeks back...I am now starting to see it and already it is breaking my heart.

Ethan is pretty chill, he only cries if he is hungry, wet/dirty or bored.  He is more independent than his brother and although they both HATE tummy time I can usually get him to do it the longest. 
Elijah is extremely high maintenance, I am convinced he has figured out how to "fake cry" in order to get me to hold him and would love to live in a world where mommy and daddy could hold him 24/7.  Unfortunately being a twin its not in his cards but we give him as much of us as we can.
They seem to be more aware of one another now and one of their favorite things to do is lay on their play gym together and "hang" (on their backs of course). =)

Our Favorite Things:
We love hanging out in our swings, sometimes swinging, sometimes not swinging.  Mobile on.
We love being outside, although thanks to the Texas heat it doesnt happen as much as we would like.
We love to nap and watch sesame street & word world in our bouncers.
Similac Sensitive is our first love. White grape juice is our second.
We love rice cereal and we seem to love the apple sauce mom has been adding to it but the jury is still out....
We love our mobiles that Nai-Nai and Yea-Yea bought us.  We miss them every day and wish they lived closer.
We love that our Mimi hops a flight home almost every week just to spend time with us.
Most of all we love when Daddy gets home from school because we miss him terribly when he is gone!

Ethan - Eli
Ethan - Elijah

Ethan - Elijah
Elijah - Ethan

Bath Time

Everything I have ever read says to do baths at night...we tried didnt work.  As bath time approached I would find myself feeling stressed, rushed and completely unorganized, not sure why, but thats how it went.  We all HATED bath time!  So I started doing them during the day and I can safely speak for all three of us when I say WE LOVE BATH TIME!  I try to do them between 10-11 a.m., I usually give them half of a bottle before and the other half after, then they go down for a nap.
I plan to eventually do baths at night but for now this is what works for us!

The boys love having their hair washed and they dont even mind when I scrub in between their little chunky fat rolls...which by the way is absolutely necessary.  It's crazy the amount of "gunk" that gets trapped in there!

It wont be long before they move to the big tub!



Thursday, September 2, 2010

Twins 2 Months

I took the boys for their 2 month shots yesterday. Naturally they screamed bloody murder with each stick but I think they held it together pretty well, they are so brave.

Elijah weighs 14 Ibs 10 oz and is 24 1/4 inches long
Ethan weighs 14 Ibs and is also 24 1/4 inches long

They are both in about the 90th percentile....big tall boys!
It's no wonder people always think they are 3-4 months old. ha

Ethan & Elijah (2 months & 1 day)

Sweet Ethan

Twins 1 Month

Elijah - 9 Ibs 11 oz
Ethan - 9 Ibs 4 oz.
Both 21 inches long and perfectly healthy!



Birth Announcement

So I was super late sending these out, they sat on my coffee table for weeks. OOPS!
The fact that they went out at all is an accomplishment in my book. They turned out great!

Playing catch up....

In May of 2009 Jason and I decided we were ready to start a family of our own and on November 13th we found out I was pregnant!  Although cautious we were super excited, after only 6 short months of trying we had received the biggest blessing of our lives....or should I say "blessings"!
On December 2nd (at 6 wks and 5 days) we found out we were expecting TWINS!
On February 11th (at 17 wks) we found out we were going to be welcoming two healthy baby BOYS into our family and at 20 wks we found out they are identical!

On July 1st, 2010 at 5:19 pm we welcomed Elijah Robert into this world weighing 6 Ibs 5 oz and a short 6 minutes later at 5:24 pm we welcomed Ethan Joshua weighing 5 Ibs 15 oz.  God is amazing!  Not only did he bless me with a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery of our children but he also gave us two of the sweetest and most beautiful babies on the planet. Jason and I love our sons more than life itself and look forward to sharing the rest of our lives with them.  To say we are blessed is an understatement.  What I did to deserve such an amazing and beautiful family I will never know but I thank God every day for giving them to me!